Monday, June 28, 2010

Things to do today...

Chiropractor. Check

Workout. Check

Get oil changed. Check

Go to bank. Check

Get car washed. Check

Go SKYDIVING. Check. Check.

Friday, May 21, 2010

ruthie the foodie

There are many perks to being single and having a full time career.

1. I pay all my bills and have money to spare
2. I don't have to check with anyone else when buying anything
3. I use my extra money to eat out... a lot. Ask me about a restaurant, and I've probably been there.

Here are a few of my most recent favorites and finds.

Slab Pizza

669 East 800 North

Seriously, the most amazing pizza you will ever have! Eric, one of the owners has perfected the crust, it's the best mixture of thin, crispy and soft at the same time. The other owners, Andy and Simy, have brought together the most amazing array of unique flavors. My favorites? The Buffalo Chicken Wing and The Thai Chicken. Yes, I did go there two days in a row a few weeks ago and yes, I was recognized and yes, I felt a little sheepish.

Rooster Dumpling and Noodle Bar

163 N University Ave


Yet again, another amazing restaurant brought to you by the same people that bring you Slab. The dumplings are amazing, the pulled pork sandwich is amazing and the Provo downtown atmosphere is amazing. One word: Amazing.
Eat there soon, open for lunch and dinner. I've heard the desserts are amazing too, but since I don't eat those, you'll have to take a stranger's opinion on that one.


100 N University Ave


I've been to this restaurant a few times, and every time I'm never disappointed. The food is fresh, local and refined. Expect to pay a little more, but well worth it for a special night out. The menu changes seasonally, which makes me happy and always eager to return. Two favorites: Pot Roast and the Potato Gratin. So good. Communal even has a separate larger group room where I've had a friend's birthday dinner. Very fun.


542 E. University Parkway

Six words for you. The smashfries are made with crack. Yes, you heard correctly. The fries have an addictive substance sprinkled on top. I think it's actually just olive oil and rosemary, but that's just semantics. My favorite burger is the Beehive Burger. I know I shouldn't ever eat here, but alas I can not help myself and you won't be able to resist either.

Apparently I've gotten around, town that is. I love good food, good atmosphere, good service and all of these places have my high marks.

You may be wondering... no I did not get paid for this. I wish, or at least some free food, I'll take all forms of payment.

My call to blogging repentance.

Oh dear blog,

It has been a very long time. I have neglected you and have not appreciated your worth. I could share so much through you, but alas I do not. Instead, I check email, stalk on facebook, read other more devoted people's blogs and of course catch up on my dvr. Why have I lost the love? Where did it go? Will it ever return? I want it to. Desperately. You have so much potential, I dream about what I would post on you, if I weren't so busy/lazy. I could share with the world all that ruthie knows. I'm making a commitment to you right now. I will be better, I will share more, I will journal my life. I know in times to come, that I will love looking back and reliving my innocent musings of yesteryear.

With regret and remorse,

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fiesta de Paella

The wonderful Bevedly, did it again.
She transformed our home for a magical paella dinner party. In true Spanish fashion we ate late and laughed lots. Thank you Mic and Pic for the masterful culinary skills.

Part Duex...Christmas in Oregon

I was able to spend two weeks in Oregon over the Christmas holidays, here are a few highlights of the trip.

Yes, that's me, starting a fire in the wood stove. Since Daddy-O likes to keep the furnace at a balmy 65゜there is much need for the wood stove. That's what a country girl does.

Mt. Hood Ski Excursion

Fun night on the slopes with the fam. We took lessons and rocked Buttercup.

Pittock Mansion in Portland

My mom and I made a trip into Portland to see the Pittock Mansion. It has an amazing view of the city of Portland and was decorated for Christmas. We only got lost trying to find it once, because of a certain GPS navigator, navigated incorrectly, but alas we found it.

Catch Up Part Uno...

Clear back in November, I was one of the many wildly crazy, women trying to relive their teenage fantasies while watching the premiere of New Moon. Luckily for me and 4 of my other friends we had VIP tickets to see it at 9pm instead of midnight. {Notice special lanyards} Special thanks to my peeps at Nordstrom's.

While standing in line to enter our designated theater we asked a new friend we met in line to take a picture of us (2nd picture)... As you can tell, she was new to the digital camera. After I quickly reviewed the photo, she asked if she cut anything off and I replied "Nothing that's important." Who needs a forehead or a part of their eye...totally over rated appendages.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Retrospection of Sorts.

Another year has come and gone, it's true what they say (who's they by the way) that time flies when you're having fun, time goes by so much faster every year and time is of the essence. During my brief stint (10 days when I started this and 18 days by the time I finished) of living in the year 2010, I got a little nostalgic and wanted to do a brief (could possibly turn out the opposite of that) run down of the last ten years.

Side note: I realize this may be the longest post ever written and no one is required to read it. I wanted to do this for my personal history. To see what I've learned, what I've remembered, who I was ten years ago and who I am today. Should you choose to read this and you actually know me, then some of my life events will definitely seem familiar to you, I hope this will bring back some good memories for you too.

THE YEAR 2000:
  • Relieved that the world was still in existence, aka not surprised. Really? They didn't think computers couldn't handle a few zeros? Isn't that how computers work, ones and zeros?
  • Was accepted to BYU, and had a bad case of senoritis.
  • Graduated from Colton High School with 35 other people. (Shockingly small, I know. Visit Colton and you'll understand)
  • Lived in the dorms, Helaman Halls, Chipman Hall to be more specific.
  • Had an "interesting" roommate situation.
  • Met some amazing people that I'm still friends with.
  • Learned about my self, isn't that what freshman year is for? Chemistry is not necessarily every ones best friend.
  • Crashed the Freshman Formal Dance at the Cannon Center.
  • Had a lot of love and support from my family. Thank you.
THE YEAR 2001:
  • Continued interesting roommate situation.
  • Started to figure out you don't have to be best friends with everybody
  • Had fun with friends
  • Learned how to dance Britney's "Oops, I did it again", how to clog and how to sleep during biology lectures
  • Went to Oregon for my sister's wedding.
  • Hadn't quite figured out how to be comfortable in my own skin.
  • Went to Spain in the summer to pick up my sister from her mission. I had missed my sister, still do, thanks to her returning to Spain.
  • First time aunt status achieved.
  • Started Sophomore year at BYU.
  • Lived in the Riv with my sister, had silly crushes and didn't know how to talk to boys
  • Watched the Towers fall with my sister and roommates.
  • Another interesting roommate situation. (Thought I was cursed)
  • Tried to learn Spanish
  • Decided BYU wasn't for me and planned to defer for a semester to figure it out.
  • Went to Oregon for Christmas, flew to Portland via Las Vegas and was no longer an In-n-Out virgin.
  • Whilst figuring out my life's ambitions and dreams, worked at a dietary supplement warehouse and froze while bottling colloidal silver, with my buddy Paco.
  • Went to California with sister and friends for some fun in the sun, while the Winter Olympics continued back in Utah.
  • Finally decided that I wanted to go to cosmetology school and had the strongest confirmation of that decision, just had to figure out how to tell the parentals.
  • Told parentals and there was no need to stress, they were very supportive and excited for me.
  • Slowly started to learn of God's love for me and that He cares about what I'm doing and the choices I make.
  • Bade my time before beauty school started with job as a telesurveyor (promise, you don't want to know what that job was like)
  • Second time aunt status achieved, was privileged to be at the birth.
  • Started beauty school, loved it, had lots of fun and started to figure out how to style my own hair.
  • Moved to Orem and had a lot of fun. (Romper room, prom curtains, a la cantina etc)
  • Turned 20, no longer a teenager.
  • Had amazing roommates that I'm still great friends with to this day.
  • Worked part time at Hogi Yogi. Not the worst job, but for sure not the best. Only broke the chicken slicer once.
  • Started in on a long term, mad crush on KC.
  • Had a great ward with fun friends.
  • Decided that exercising was a good idea and attempted Tae Bo, you remember Billy.
  • Performed regularly in beauty school in the group, "Doty's Dance Girls"
  • Celebrated JT's birthday, yes JT, meaning Justin Timberlake.
  • Went to California for a Hair Show with Dallas Roberts, also went to Knotts Berry Farm
  • Had black and blood red hair, I guess I went through a goth phase for 2 weeks.
  • Got a new fabulous roommate because my sister decided to move to Spain for... love.
  • Continued figuring out who I was. Where I wanted to be and feeding and growing my testimony.
  • Asked out long term crush KC for a group date, apparently felt nauseous before the call (as written in my journal, I don't remember that)
  • Many, many pages in my journal devoted to said crush, KC. Obession... yes.
  • Attempted to make a music video of Avril Lavigne's song "I'm with you" (Complete with party scene, wind makers and costume changes.
  • The night of Carlos and Ali. Anyone involved in that night understands that craziness, ie roses, yellow polyester and blue dixie cups.
  • Went to a baseball game, experienced date envy and told my date to Keep it Real, stones included.
  • Summer of Fish, Lee and Robert
  • Prayed and received answers to my prayers.
  • Graduated from beauty school, rocked the state practical and theory tests.
  • Went to Oregon for a family reunion, stayed longer than expected because...
  • Grandmother passed away, Sunday August 3, 2003
Quote from my Journal:
"I will always love her and want to be as kind and generous and also have the great gift she had to see the good in everybody she met"

  • Turned 21, oh such a baby still...
  • Moved to a townhouse, far away from crush, best thing that could have happened.
  • Started working at Aspen Salon
  • Learned about the Lord's time. Still am to this day.
  • Made fitness goals: It may have taken 6 years but I finally achieved them.
  • Video Vignettes: tackling random guy, singing and dancing in the mall, and body rolls
  • Crashed a freshman dance at BYU with friends and lied about our ages.
  • Loving what I did and who I was.
  • Christmas in Utah, New Year's Eve in Oregon.
  • Moved to Orem, excellent move.
  • Admitted to crush that I liked him, didn't go as well as hoped... wow, I still liked him?
  • Didn't love my new ward, because of the "cool clique"
  • Loved my roommate
  • Learned a lot about moving on, or at least moving on from nothing...KC
  • Lack of dating, frustrations continue
  • Had a brief stint in Online Dating. (Should I admit this?) Interesting experiences ie: bowling, movies and wedding receptions.
  • 4th of July, Park City, sunburn, fireworks, Papa Johns and hand holding.
  • Third time aunt status achieved.
  • Was asked for my number but didn't know that's what the guy was doing till later... life would have been a bit easier if I had jumped on that band wagon... DOJr.
  • First cell phone
  • Stopped working at Aspen and moved salons to Platinum Studio, excellent choice
  • Met more amazing friends
  • Fourth time aunt status achieved
  • Grizzlies game, lame nachos and a late night movie...
  • Went to Oregon for my sister's wedding and then on to Spain for a reception.
  • Christmas in Spain, lot's of blankets and Dan Brown books
  • Jet lagged New Year's Eve.
  • New attitude about ward, tried to be more involved.
  • Continued to build clientele...that's a long arduous process
  • Red high heels, movie and a kitchen counter
  • No more online dating
  • Lot's of self discovering, trusting in the Lord, understanding the realities of Satan and finding out how strong I really was.
  • The year of many travels, Arizona (hot and lovely), San Fransisco (crashed wedding, video cameras, Alcatraz and discovered IKEA), and Oregon
  • Grandfather's 90th Birthday in Oregon
  • Started to learn that I can't solve other people's problems although I've tried
  • Discovered the beauty of Nordstrom bra fitting specialists
  • Late night pranks...popcorn.
  • Fifth time aunt status achieved
  • Christmas in Oregon with most of the fam
  • New Year's Eve spent in a random motel on the way back to Utah from Oregon
  • Started planning my epic trip to Spain and Italy.
  • Addicted to yoga
  • Second part time job, inspecting, packaging and freezing
  • Continued planning for epic European vacation
  • Trip to Las Vegas for a hair show with salon friends. Limo ride and Club Pure
  • Surprise visit from Spain family.
  • Sixth time aunt status achieved
  • Met someone that would end up being a part of my life long term.
  • Went to NYC for a hair show with two great friends
  • Left from NYC to head to Spain. Traveled all by myself and only had one slight difficulty at the train station.
  • Happy reunion with sister, brother in law and new nephew.
  • Spain for a week, then off to Italy
  • Met up with two friends in Genoa, miracle in it of itself. Thank you Divine intervention
  • Explored Cinque Terre, Florence, Sorrento, Capri, Pompeii and Rome.
  • Lost luggage (not mine), new travel friend, Italian men, scary Naples, long nauseating taxi ride, the beach, David, amazing food, gelato, Trevi fountain, Pantheon, and many more amazing sites.
  • Trip back to Spain, overnight sleepover in Barcelona airport. Why did I plan that? Scary gypsy lady, yelling at me.
  • Another week in Spain with family. Love the little one, so cute.
  • Tearful goodbye to my loves in España
  • Return to reality.
  • Started dating someone. Met him through mutual friends. Interesting and educational.
  • Received my own Endowments from the Temple August 16th at Mt. Timpanogas
  • Summer of fun, tried to wake board, unsuccessfully
  • Had a few intense personal growth experiences, learned a lot about my self worth, the Love and Atoning Sacrifice of Christ and the power of the Priesthood.
  • Thanksgiving in Oregon
  • Started instructing at Dallas Roberts
  • First official car accident, totally my fault, a lot of damage on mine but none on the other car.
  • Christmas in Utah with boyfriend
  • Uneventful New Years, they are always overrated and a let down.
  • Moved back to Provo, temporary move with old friends and then to the Townhouse.
  • Continued relationship with said boyfriend, although it was dramatic.
  • Bought my first car, the prizm had seen better days
  • Worked non stop both at the salon and as an instructor, started to burn out
  • More roommate drama, perhaps I was cursed.
  • After receiving the strongest thought of "I need to brake up with J," I did it the next day. He was apathetic and unresponsive, not surprising. I hurt.
  • Bought a Mac, best choice ever.
  • Camped out overnight for the grand opening of IKEA in Draper. Why?... An amazing free chair.
  • While at the airport waiting for my flight to Oregon, learned that my grandfather had passed away that day, June 18th. Cried with strangers.
  • Helped with funeral preparations while my parents traveled back from Europe
Quote from Journal:
"My grandfather will always be remembered as a good man. A man who didn't push the Gospel upon others but instead led his life in such a way that those around him knew there was something different about him."

  • Learned first hand to always, always trust your gut and first instincts.
  • Strangely got back together and broke up with ex. Things were going to be different, but they weren't.
  • Seventh time aunt status achieved.
  • Spain family came to visit
  • Unfortunate relapse into the dramatic relationship.
  • Frequent flyer mile trip to DC, discovered Chipotle, found favorite boots, bus trip to NYC, tourist in a blizzard, being forgotten at the airport.
  • Holidays with family in Utah.
  • Broke up with J...again.
  • New Year's Eve, air hockey tournament and Chinese food.
  • Changed wards and have never looked back.
  • Surprise trip to Oregon.
  • Had a few moments of clarity:
Quote from Journal:
"I just know that there is a greater plan at work for me and I had to go through that drama to know with a full assurance what I wanted out of life and a husband. Also it took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that J was never going to magically turn into that person. No amount of time nor patience was going to change the fact that he lacked a depth of testimony required to get through trials in life, he was also going to be manipulative and would belittle me always. I know I'm still recovering from this emotional damage but I also know that I will get through this and I'm learning and have learned so much about myself.
  • Made more fitness goals: to become a runner.
  • Became an Ordinance Worker at the Temple. True inspiration by my Bishop.
  • Went to NYC for a hair show with three great friends, The W, fat lip, sushi, canal street, p.s. I love you.
  • Ran first 5k, Running with Angels
  • Summer of wedding hair, at least 12 brides.
  • Started
  • Had a week where I contemplated getting back together with J and then came to my senses. Thank you to my friends for worrying about me.
  • Ran two 10k races, 4th of July Freedom Festival and Speedy Spaniard on the 24th of July
  • Family trip to Bear Lake
  • Started to understand a small portion of my divine potential
  • Eighth time aunt status achieved
  • Decided to stop eating white refined sugar
  • Salon Halloween party, amazing race, crazy driving and green face paint.
  • Path to Abundance, life changing.
  • Surprise trip home to Oregon for Thanksgiving. That's the best way to travel.
  • Ninth time aunt status achieved
  • Christmas in Utah with Family
  • Traveled to Spain, made it just in time to eat my 12 grapes
  • First half of January spent in Spain, Los Reyes Magos, Fama a Bailar, frozen at the beach and making it back safely.
  • Did hair for a wedding at Sundance Resort
  • American Idol addiction
  • Started training for my first triathlon
  • 80's Prom night birthday party for K
  • Smashed up my car because I was in a hurry for work.
  • Felt like an adult for the first time when I had a rental car.
  • Thought provoking Stake Conference with Elder Bednar
  • Tenth time aunt status achieved
  • New fantastic roommate
  • 2nd Running with Angels 5k race
  • First Triathlon ever, completed Salem Spring Triathlon. Surprise visit from dad.
  • First trip to Lake Powell, Imma be, Hot like Wow, possible marriage, big beef and cheddar and photo shoots
  • New hair blog, hairdidbyashlee
  • 4th of July in Idaho for a family reunion, 5k, horse shoes, lots of food.
  • Family trip through Yellowstone, driving, construction, old faithful, mama and baby buffalo and more driving.
  • Amazing trip to California with three super friends, dora, Big Thunder Mountain, Star Wars and extreme exhaustion
  • 2nd Triathlon completed in Idaho, nap in Bountiful on the way there, leg cramps during the swim but lots of fun overall.
  • Found out ex moved into my ward... on purpose. Had a brief moment of self doubt but quickly realized I was so much stronger than that.
  • Family from Spain arrived, bowling, shopping, hair, family photo shoot and more
  • Midnight half marathon, dark, crazy tired, pain, but I finished
  • Turned 27, never felt better.
  • Two speeding tickets in 6 days, I wouldn't suggest doing that.
  • Red Rock Relay, red diablo, green goblin, rocked it, beautiful scenery, 4 am wakeup call, sleeping outside a church and oh so much fun.
  • Bowled a 150, not too shabby.
  • New workout class, major changes
  • Blind date, struggles
  • Shamu and trainer, karaoke and bringin' the house to their feet. Just wanna dance with somebody. Thank you Whitney.
  • Halloween 5k
  • Pre Thanksgiving dinner with friends.
  • Thanksgiving in Utah, turkey trot, sore body and Black Friday shopping.
  • Tons of hairdid in the month of December.
  • $50 date, frozen lake, rocks, Christmas lights
  • Christmas in Oregon
  • Apparently I do like to ski
  • New Year's Eve at an interesting YSA activity in Oregon.

I don't know if I can truly describe the emotions, feelings, and thoughts I've felt while writing out this 10 year synopsis of my life. Cathartic? Educational? Useful? All of the above? What I do know is that the person I was 10 years ago would be extremely proud of the person I am today. What she went through brought me to this place now. I know who I am, I have an intense testimony of the Gospel of Christ and I have this because of the events I've experienced, the people I've interacted with and my knowledge of God's love for me.

Life, when well spent is amazing. I hope to make the next 10 years as fantastic as the past 10. I'll take the ups and the downs, because that is how I will continue to grow towards my eternal progression.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Gobble, Gobble

...Turkey Dinner...

30 guests

20lb turkey

Martha inspired decor

Amazing food

9 missing folding chairs

6 found folding chairs

Night of fantastic fun

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Enjoying Fall.

Here are a couple of reasons I enjoy living in Happy Valley.
I may complain about traffic, snow, and lack of potential dates,
but I will never complain about this...



photos taken on a hike up Y mountain.

The Many Faces of Halloween

I may have overdosed on Halloween this year.
I dressed up four times, in four different costumes.
I guess, I'm not great at commitment.

I was an overweight Sea World, Shamu Trainer for my salon party.

I was a Geisha for my ward party.
Is that appropriate?
Japanese prostitute at a church function?

Bohemian Hippie for a Halloween 5k Run.
After run dinner at Shoga.

80's Prom Chica on the actual night of Halloween.
I rocked the double decker bangs.

Moral of the story:
I'm done dressing up for at least a month.
You never know what Christmas might bring...