Oh dear blog,
It has been a very long time. I have neglected you and have not appreciated your worth. I could share so much through you, but alas I do not. Instead, I check email, stalk on facebook, read other more devoted people's blogs and of course catch up on my dvr. Why have I lost the love? Where did it go? Will it ever return? I want it to. Desperately. You have so much potential, I dream about what I would post on you, if I weren't so busy/lazy. I could share with the world all that ruthie knows. I'm making a commitment to you right now. I will be better, I will share more, I will journal my life. I know in times to come, that I will love looking back and reliving my innocent musings of yesteryear.
With regret and remorse,
Ahhhh, did you write this for your blog or for mine??? Because if it wasn't for yours it could totally be for mine :)
...i think busy/lazy is an oxymoron, is it not?
I understand the slump, I really do. But I have also missed your posts!!!
I wish I could go eat out with you! You have good taste!
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